Virtual Plant Collection

Blue-Eyed Grass

  • Scientific name: Sisyrinchium bellum
  • Clade: Vascular, Seed producing, Angiosperm, Monocot
  • Data collected: 4/17/11
  • Location collected: Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Gardens (UCLA)
  • Habitat: This plant can live in wetlands and non-wetlands. Its water usage is medium and has a low tolerance for Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3). In addition, it likes moist and poor to average soil. It can tolerate temperature as low as 20 degrees F and can live in 0-3000 feet of elevation. 
  • Nativity: California, Oregon, Baja California
  • Special notes: American Indians used the tea made from the roots of this plant to treat diarrhea and some other intestinal disorders.
  • Resources:
  1. Wikipedia
  2. Calflora
  3. Wildflower Center
  4. Dave's Garden