Virtual Plant Collection

Giant Wildrye

  • Scientific name: Leymus condensatus
  • Clade: Vascular, Seed producing, Angiosperm, Monocot
  • Data collected: 4/23/11
  • Location collected: Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Gardens (UCLA)
  • Habitat: This plant most likely grows in chaparral and riparian habitat throughout California. It can tolerate drought and can be found in wetlands.
  • Nativity: California, Baja California, Mexico, Horticulture
  • Special notes: Infusion of the leaves has been used as a wash for sore eyes. In addition, the dried leaves have been used to scrape pimples from the underside of the eyelid.
  • Resources:
  1. Wikipedia
  2. USDA – Plant Data base
  3. Plants For A Future