Virtual Plant Collection

Brittlebush (Incienso)

  • Scientific  name: Encelia farinosa
  • Clade: Vascular, Seed producing, Angiosperm, Dicot
  • Data collected: 4/17/11
  • Location collected: Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Gardens (UCLA)
  • Habitat: This common wildflower can be found in different places from dry gravelly slopes to open sandy washes up to 1000 m.
  • Nativity: California
  • Special notes: This plant has a broad usage in industry. Industries use it in producing glue, gum, incense, and medicine. Also, as you can see, it produces two types of leaves which help it in its reproduction and survival.
  • Resources:
  1. Wikipedia
  2. Southern Arizona Wildflowers 
  3. Journal