Virtual Plant Collection

Real Yellowwood

  • Scientific name: Podocarpus latifolius
  • Clade: Vascular, Seed producing, Gymnosperm, Conifer 
  • Data collected: 4/17/11
  • Location collected: Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Gardens (UCLA)
  • Habitat: The real yellowwood grows naturally in mountains and forests. It can also grow on rocky hillsides and mountain slopes, but it won't get as tall as when it is in forests. 

  • Nativity: Africa, Sudan to Natal
  • Special notes: It is South Africa's National Tree and most valued timber tree. People use it in industry for making furniture. In the past, butchers used it as butcher blocks because the wood is hard and it doesn't have scent, so it didn't taint the meat.  
  • Resources:
  1. Wikipedia
  2. Plantzafrica
  3. Biodiversity Explorer