Virtual Plant Collection

Mexican Cardinal Flower

  • Scientific name: Lobelia laxiflora Kunth
  • Clade: Vascular, Seed producing, Angiosperm, Dicot
  • Date collected: 4/17/11
  • Location collected: Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Gardens (UCLA)
  • Habitat: This plant's habitat includes closeness to sources of water or moist woodland areas where depressions occur. The preference is light shade to full sun, and wet to moist conditions. The soil should be fertile and contain plenty of organic matter to retain moisture.
  • Nativity: Arizona
  • Special notes: The Pawnee Indians used the roots and flowers of cardinal flower as a love charm. In addition, this plant has some medical usage for treating fever sores, cramps, and stomach.  
  • Resources:
  1. USDA – Plant Data base 
  2. Illinois Wildflowers 
  3. Chesapeake Bay